A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in – what more could [you] ask? Flowers at the feet, and above, the stars.”
Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Rosella Garden
Named after Rosella Lynn, AFSC, who dedicated 30+ years of service to Dunrovin, the Rosella Garden quietly calls you to sit and rest a while. Three dining patio tables nestle among the perennial beds. One stone firepit and a stand-alone firepit invite you to treat yourself to a S’more or two.
Two stone benches honoring the memory of our great benefactor and Board member, Dick Olsen, seat the weary soul.

Perimeter Hiking Trail
Guests enjoy hiking the trails surrounding the Dunrovin property. Most are low-level intensity, but a few trails along the river bluff give you a good workout. The number of steps hasn’t been officially tallied but you’ll log a mile or two.
Hike year-round; snow shoes and cross-country skis available during the snowy months.

Soccer Field

Basketball Court

Canoeing on the Pond

Volleyball Court
Dunrovin – you belong here
GuestServices@dunrovin.org | 651-433-2486