Nestled in the Rosella Garden
Nestled in the Rosella Garden

Nestled in the Rosella Garden

With the end of winter, gardens are in full bloom. Sprinklers jet out water, seeds snuggle beneath the earth, and brilliant colors cover flowerbeds. Whether planting vegetables to eat or a few flowers to add color to the front lawn, gardening takes a lot of hard work, care for plants, and artistic talent. 

With the end of winter, gardens are in full bloom. Sprinklers jet out water, seeds snuggle beneath the earth, and brilliant colors cover flowerbeds. Whether planting vegetables to eat or a few flowers to add color to the front lawn, gardening takes a lot of hard work, care for plants, and artistic talent. 

Paul tells the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 3:7 “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” He is discussing growth in faith. However, this also applies to plant growth. Gardeners plant, water, and tend, yet God alone makes each plant grow. 

One person who knew this well was Rosella Lynn. Rosella truly loved Dunrovin and its mission. In fact, she was so dedicated to its mission that she worked here for over thirty years. Rosella’s impact on Dunrovin remains to this day. 

As well as having a heart for service, Rosella loved roses. She grew a rose garden at Dunrovin. Roses can be difficult to grow and need specific care. She had the ability to provide the roses with what they needed to successfully blossom into beautiful flowers. 

Fittingly, the Rosella Garden outside the main entrance is dedicated to Rosella Lynn. This garden is named after her in honor of her service to Dunrovin and her love of flowers, particularly roses. This garden is located right outside of the center and is a wonderful place to relax in the shade. Nestled in the garden rests a bench where guests can sit and read or admire the beautiful pond and forest. During the spring, a tree blossoms above this bench. Now, the tree has turned green and full, which is perfect for stopping under while enjoying the outdoors without the full blast of the sun. 

Near the Rosella Garden is a patio with a table and chairs. Here guests can meet or eat outside near the flowers. Many small groups like to gather here when the weather permits. Small trees and stacked rocks surround the patio to give it a cozy, rustic feel. 

Dunrovin has many natural beauties around it: the Saint Croix River, the forest, the wildflowers. However, guests can also enjoy many gorgeous gardens at Dunrovin. Flowerbeds of peonies, lilies, and coneflowers surround the retreat center. Daffodils line the hill behind the retreat center and blossom in spring. Even turning a corner between the Garden House and the main building, one will spot a small garden full of bleeding hearts and lilies of the valley. Further from the center, lilac bushes follow the road down to the River Cabin. 

In all of these gardens, one can see the work of a gardener who, like Rosella, works hard and cares deeply for their plants. They provide water, the right space with adequate light and shade, and extra nourishment and soil if needed. Beautiful gardens like these show the wonderful creation of God in a way crafted by humans like a work of art. Gardeners can use their creative talents to honor God and showcase His nature.

At Dunrovin, we strive to have beautifully structured gardens where guests can rest and enjoy gorgeous flowers as well as wild landscapes where we find awe in God’s creation. Both are reflections of His work, whether through one’s artistic and structured imaginings or by leaving trees to grow untouched. As Paul stated in 1 Corinthians,

God is one the one who grows while we admire and echo His creation.