Why is teambuilding an important part of leadership?
Why is teambuilding an important part of leadership?

Why is teambuilding an important part of leadership?

At DLITE (Dunrovin Leadership Institute and Team-Building Experience), youth learn not only how to be leaders but also how to work as a team. According to Jerome Meeds, executive director of Dunrovin, these two are closely linked.

“Leadership and team-building go together because, if you’re leading, you need to be leading people,” stated Meeds. “It’s about people.”

Because of this, he incorporates team-building into many aspects of DLITE, LEAD, and the summer youth camps. Whether the goal is to get everyone over a large wall or finish a difficult service project, participants must work together with others while suggesting their own ideas and finding the best solution.

“When you have a group come together as a team, accomplishing a goal together, they multiply what they can accomplish,” Meeds said, knowing from experience that youth can complete nearly any task put before them when they are both leaders and team players.

To hear more of Meeds’ comments on leadership and team-building, watch the video below.